Benefits and risks of consuming Painkillers

ArthritisEnduring various sort of physical pain in a minimal scale to high scale is fairly common in our day to day life. Physical pain can be of various types- it can be caused due to minor or major accidents, or due to other common bodily disorders like headache, stomach, etc. in a very common ways. Severe or acute pain can be caused by serious terminal illnesses or major accidents/injuries.  Arthritis is a leading cause of pain in the aging population.

Enduring physical pain can be quite a disturbing occurrence as we all know and all of us at some point or the other have endured pain. But, enduring pain and draining your energy and yourself in the process is not the likelihood. It is our pain management ability that makes the difference.

When we talk or even think of pain management, the instant word that sprang up in our mind is the thought of painkillers.

What are painkillers?

Painkillers are a group or type of drugs that belongs to the analgesic category. The sole purpose of painkillers is to provide quick and easy pain relief. Painkillers come in various forms and can be administered in numerous ways like- topically, orally, through injections and are both available systematically and as over the counter drugs depending on the severity and urgency of the pain management procedure. Painkillers includes both familiar pain relief solution available at any supermarket such as aspirin and ibuprofen, as well as more serious medication for severe pain such as  co-codamol 500/30mg and codeine phosphate.

Benefits of having painkillers.

  • Provides easy, hassle free (mostly) and almost quick pain relief.
  • Certain variety and formulations of painkillers are said to lower the risk of heart diseases, lowers blood pressure, prevents asthma and also have other health benefits apart from its usual analgesic effect.
  • Systemic painkillers are known for their long term and quick action which often allows the medical care providers to perform complex surgeries with considerable ease and to the patient’s comfort.
  • Individuals with severe chronic ailments which causes acute pain, led a relieved and much improved lifestyle just because of the painkillers.
  • The ultimate pain relief option for individuals suffering from migraine, headache, stomach, etc.
  • You can buy painkillers like co-codamol 500/30mg online in the UK with no prescription from approved sites.

Risks of having painkillers.

– Excess consumption of painkillers for a long duration makes your immune system defensive against that particular drug as a result of which it does not work on your body anymore.

  • Painkillers often makes one drowsy and can also cause occasional indigestion.
  • May cause tension or anxiety and increased drug dependency.
  • Pain tolerance usually diminishes in an individual, if he or she consumes painkillers for a long time.
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Wildly effective pain management solutions

Those that are forced to live with chronic or debilitating pain are always on the lookout for new and effective pain management solutions that can help them to lead the kind of happy and healthy lifestyle they deserve.

And while there are definitely some more effective pain management solutions out there than others (some that can provide real and consistent pain relief while others just pretend to), you’re going need to make sure that you are getting into the right of approach for your specific needs.

Two of the most powerful and reliable ways to give yourself the kind of pain relief you deserve without having to turn to modern medicine or prescription drugs, yoga and meditation closely links your mind and body to produce stunning results across the board. But these alternative solution only work for some people

Obviously, you’ll are going to need to make sure that you are able to push yourself through a yoga session followed up by meditation, which almost always means confronting your pain head on and pushing it to the side while you get the job done.

Only then will you be able to enjoy the benefits that these pain relief solutions offer.

Over-the-counter pain management solutions really do work (to a degree)

Advil, Motrin, ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc. are all over-the-counter pain management options that you might decide to take advantage of when yoga and meditation just aren’t cutting it any longer – or if you like to rely more on modern man’s approach to pain relief than a more holistic and all-natural (not to mention slower) road to the same results.

For minor injuries, not so significant pain, or more chronic issues over-the-counter options seem to work best – though you need to turn to professionals if you are dealing with serious, constant, chronic, or debilitating issues. But when the pain gets bad you may find yourself turning to more powerful solutions such as opiates.  The most common opiates are often prescribed for moderate to sever pain, typical of these is co-codamol a combination of 30mg of codeine and 500mg of paracetamol that is preferred by many doctors to codeine phosphate as it is more powerful.

Sometimes you can’t avoid leveraging powerful pain management prescription options

At the end of the day, the most important thing for you to do is make sure that your body is operating exactly as it should be – 100% pain-free, or as close to that as possible.

This usually (not always, but usually) involves putting some type of pain management and pain relief plan in place, which is definitely something that you would want to speak to a trusted and trained medical expert about before moving forward. For more information about painkillers, visit

Only they will be able to appropriately recommend the kind of pain relief or pain management solutions you should be looking into.

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Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease And Associated Pain

Dealing with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and the pain that comes with it can be extremely difficult, and in more ways than one. Not only are these conditions which can impact your daily routine, limit the foods you’re able to eat, and cause you severe pain, it can also be embarrassing or even potentially shameful for people to deal with.

underwearAs such, it’s worth noting at the outset that IBD and associated issues are in no way something to be ashamed about. This is a condition which exists outside your control, affects millions worldwide, and can be managed with medicine and emotional support. IBD and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) are similar conditions, as are colitis and Crohn’s Disease.

Diagnosing which is which can be complicated, and often come down to a matter of degree and what portion of your gastrointestinal tract is most affected and how.

IBD is the result of irritation, inflammation, or similar issues regarding your digestive system in general and your small and large intestines in particular. As such, anti-inflammatory medications and, in many cases, avoiding foods which may irritate or be difficult on your intestines and digestive tract are common responses to IBD.


If you believe you or someone you know may be struggling with IBD or a related condition, you’ll want to check with a gastroenterologist and see if they exhibit any of the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea: This is one of the most characteristic symptoms of a gastrointestinal problem. If you see bleeding or mucus in your stool, contact a doctor immediately, as this could well be indicative of IBD or an associated issue.
  • Constipation: On the other hand, IBD can sometimes manifest with severe bouts of constipation. If you feel yourself cramping or otherwise feeling bloated, you will again want to consult a doctor.
  • Urgency and frequency regarding needing to use the restroom: If you are going more than 2-3 times a day, there is a high probability of there being some issue with your gastrointestinal tract. If you are going to the bathroom significantly more than that, IBD or other associated diagnoses may be at the heart of the matter. What’s more, if you find that your bathroom visits are not just frequent but urgent, and uncontrollably so, you will likewise want to see a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Stomach pain: IBD can manifest with a variety of different stomach pains. If you suspect yourself or someone you know of suffering from IBD, pay attention to the type of stomach pain; cramping and bloating can point to constipation, while sharp “stabbing” or “clawing” pains can mean another form of IBD, especially when accompanied by loose or bloody stool.
  • Anemia: If you have had frequent bouts of bloody stool, you’ll want to be especially careful to avoid an incidence of anemia. If you feel light-headed, weak, or look pale in addition to your bloody stool, contact a doctor immediately—you may need iron supplements, and in the most serious cases, you may need a blood transfusion.


While there is no cure for IBS, IBD, colitis and Crohn’s Disease, there are a variety of quality pain management and treatment options available. Two of the most heralded treatments are Remicade and Humira. These treatments have both been on the market for years, involve injections or infusions, and in many cases have helped patients reduce or manage inflammation to such a point as to bring their condition into “remission” and keep it there for years at a time. While neither are pain relief medications strictly-speaking, in allowing the patient to enter a state of “remission,” they can go a long way to lessening the physical and psychological pain which characteristically accompanies IBD and related conditions.

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Dealing With Concussion Symptoms And Concussion-Related Pain

Concussions and the pain which follows from them can be some of the most difficult injuries to battle. Determining what kind of concussion pain management and pain relief is pertinent is vital to successfully recovering from that injury.

Chronic-painHere, then, is a general guideline to what a concussion is and how it can be caused, diagnosing a concussion from a variety of symptoms, how to treat a concussion and the related pain, and other such elements standard in concussion protocol. With any head injury it is vitally important that you see a physician who can correctly diagnose your injury.


To begin with, a concussion is an injury wherein there is sustained damage to the brain as the result of impact, often due to some sort of sudden trauma relating to brain hitting against the skull.


With respect to diagnosing concussions and recognizing pain which may be associated with such an injury, you’ll want to look for:

  • Dizziness, headaches, or a feeling of “pressure” in the head. Headaches can take on a variety of different forms, so you’ll want to distinguish between sharp or pounding pains which might be more indicative or another form of cranial pain or discomfort. If you find yourself having trouble keeping your balance, sit down—preferably somewhere with back and neck support—and seek pain management and medical help. Dizziness coupled with a lack of motor control or an inability to keep one’s balance can often be symptomatic of a concussion or another serious cranial injury.
  • Concurrent with the dizziness which is common to concussions and concussion-related pain, nausea, double/blurry vision, and vomiting are three more symptoms to watch out for.
  • Patients who have experienced a concussion likewise often find themselves struggling with extreme pain when confronted by light or noise. This can be due to a hyper-sensitivity these stimuli which is caused by a concussion, and will need time away from said stimuli in order to heal; if these conditions are not met, or the concussive injury is serious enough, these symptoms can linger for some time afterward.
  • Lethargy, sluggishness, or an overall feeling of grogginess. Obviously there are many reasons which might explain a lack of energy, so these symptoms are more in addition to rather than a leading sign of a concussion.
  • Confusion, an inability to concentrate, or memory problems. These are some of the most common problems associated with concussions, and should be treated with the utmost severity. Acute short-term memory loss or an inability to identify one’s present location are just two indications that you may have had a concussion or other serious cranial injury


concussionPain relief and pain management options can be tricky with regards to concussions given the nature of the injury. Because a concussion affects your brain in a manner in which a depressant or similar medication might be dangerous or adverse with regards to your health, you will want to speak with your doctor regarding any pain relief or management ills you are considering taking.

Avoid places of excessive sound or light. Be sure to get plenty of rest, and whenever possible, ensure that your head remains adequately supported.

Concussions are frequent in contact sports such as American football, football, hockey, etc. In the event that you as an athlete suffer a concussion, you should report the incident to your team’s trainer immediately. If you suspect yourself or another player to have sustained a concussive injury, report it to the team trainer—each port has its own concussion protocols for gauging the severity and pain of an injury. What’s more, trainers will be equipped with approved pain relief and management items.

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